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gall_identification [2022/07/15 01:21]
gall_identification [2022/07/15 01:21] (current)
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 //If you have a gall you would like us to identify, email us - ****.  //If you have a gall you would like us to identify, email us - ****. 
 // //
 If we believe it to be from an //Agrobacterium// or Rhizobium species, we will pay for shipping and let you know what we figure out.  If we believe it to be from an //Agrobacterium// or Rhizobium species, we will pay for shipping and let you know what we figure out. 
/home/agrokwev/public_html/data/attic/gall_identification.1657848067.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/07/15 01:21 by moth