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strain_testing [2022/02/10 23:33]
moth created
strain_testing [2022/07/15 01:57] (current)
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 ====== Strain testing ====== ====== Strain testing ======
 +We realize that testing different //Agrobacterium// strains requires a large body of work. 
 +===== To help with this, we offer the follow services:=====
 +Transformation Efficiency
 +  - Tobacco (//N. benthamiana)//
 +  - Switchgrass (//P. virgatum//, Alamo)
 +  - Rice (//O. sativa//, Nipponbare, Taipei 309)
 +Antibiotic Susceptibility
 +  - Gentamycin
 +  - Ampicillin / Carbenicillin
 +  - Kanamycin
 +  - Spectinomycin / Streptomycin
 +  - Tetracycline
/home/agrokwev/public_html/data/pages/strain_testing.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/07/15 01:57 by moth